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If I Write this Blog, it Might be about Tarot, (I can do readings?), it Might be about Art, (if I do any), but it will definitely be a Miracle.

Okay so, as I have nothing planned beyond beginning, I may as well post this reading I did yesterday. I had thought to post it on Instagram and share to Facebook as usual, but it got a bit late and I got more than a bit tired and I didn't. Also posting on socials is pretty much muttering into the void at this point. At least if I put it here, I won't even bother to check if anyone sees it. This could be just a digital journal, full of my most controversial takes and no one will know. Actually if I could just get this attitude towards my art, I might get back into phase where I get some done.

Anyway. How about that reading?

Fifth June, which is incidentally the day after the general election in the UK, which is of interest to since I grew up there and only moved to Australia in 2007. Even more pertinently this is the day after my FAR- OUT Tarot Kickstarter ended. so we have near hindsight vibes surrounding my drawing of the cards.

I also treated myself to using my first edition Schiffer, Bonefire, this makes a change as I have been committed to using FAR-OUT in the run-up and for the duration of the funding period.

So that's the background. I didn't ask anything, Just for some insights for the day.

When I laid out the cards my first instinct was vague repulsion, I like to take a note of these initial vibes. This one seemed odd. I never really know about Bonefire, but it was made at a time in my life when I was just dipping my big toe into an interest into the muddy waters of geo-politics, so I have always thought it likes to read about current affairs at least as much as matters more personal.

The Six of Cups here reminds me of a lesson learned from the past.

It occurred that the reason why I was slightly repelled by the cards I drew is because all three other cards contain a mistake and something I sought to change.

Two of them have bulls, inaccurate bulls. The bull in the six of Coins has no ears, the bull on the Two of Swords, should really not be on this card at all. The other card, the King of Wands didn't survive the cut when I made Bonefire 2, and the new edition has a totally different King.

I am reminded of the mistakes of the past. One I have rectified and learned from, the other two I recognise, but made no attempt to change. I am also reminded that when we do seek to make change, we do well to apply a triage system to this and deal with what is important first.

Also perfectionism can stamp out humanity. To err is human. not looking to squash this.

Back to that Six of Cups, which is in charge of this reading,

If we build on sand and the tide comes in, is a solid walled brick construction really any better than a sandcastle?

The personal advice I took from the reading, revamp and improve this website, lay down foundations for yourself, You have learned of the vagaries of other forms of media and attempts to hold the interest of supportive folk who forgot you exist.

Pertaining to the UK Election. Choose your own adventure in the light of this reading. It depends on your favorite flavour, I guess. But I see now dethroned King of Wands, a lot of money passing in and out of that purse.

That's enough for now. Thanks for your time.

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